Business and Macroeconomics (Elements of Business) артикул 2269d.
Business and Macroeconomics (Elements of Business) артикул 2269d.

This is a concise introduction to macroeconomics, specifically designed to provide students (MBA and undergraduate business studies) and practitioners of business with an understanding of the workings of the national and international economic systems It examines key aspects of the economic environment which affect the business "climate", such ожкмс as inflation, business cycles, international trade and exchange rates The approach adopted is "hands on" using a mixture of text examples and boxed illustrations, and topics are developed to highlight their relevance for firms This book is a companion volume to "Business and Microeconomics", which focuses on the workings of the market system.  1995 г Мягкая обложка, 301 стр ISBN 186152207X.

Quantum Communication and Security (NATO Science for Peace and Security Series: Information and Communication Security) (NATO Security Through Science Series D: Information and Com) артикул 2271d.
Quantum Communication and Security (NATO Science for Peace and Security Series: Information and Communication Security) (NATO Security Through Science Series D: Information and Com) артикул 2271d.

This volume aims to assess the state-of-the-art in the field of Quantum Communication and Security and to identify new research challenges The papers in this book concentrate mainly on quantum cryptography (both technical and experimental aspects and pure theory), general problems of theoretical quantum information and its realizations ожкмь (laboratories and applied physics), and finally the related topics concerning quantum theory itself - the most fundamental questions This publication is divided into four chapters: 1 Quantum Cryptography 2 Theory of Quantum Information 3 Production of Entangled States, Experimental Techniques 4 Quantum Communication and Computation The editors hope to disseminate a broad spectrum of advances in quantum information and communication through this book.  Издательство: Ios Pr Inc, 2007 г Твердый переплет, 243 стр ISBN 1586037498 Язык: Английский.

Capital Flows and Emerging Economies: Theory, Evidence, and Controversies (Conference Report (National Bureau of Economic Research) ) артикул 2273d.
Capital Flows and Emerging Economies: Theory, Evidence, and Controversies (Conference Report (National Bureau of Economic Research) ) артикул 2273d.

The 1990s witnessed several acute currency crises among developing nations that invariably spread to other nearby at-risk countries These episodes--in Mexico, Thailand, South Korea, Russia, and Brazil--were all exacerbated by speculative foreign investments and high-volume movements of capital in and out of those countries Insufficient ожкна domestic controls and a sluggish international response further undermined these economies, as well as the credibility of external oversight agencies like the International Monetary Fund This timely volume examines the correlation between volatile capital mobility, currency instability, and the threat of regional contagion, focusing particular attention on the emergent economies of Latin America, Southeast Asia, and Eastern Europe Together these studies offer a new understanding of the empirical relationship between capital flows, international trade, and economic performance, and also afford key insights into realms of major policy concern.  ISBN 0226184706.

Леонид Словин В восьми томах Том 7 Цапля ловит рыбу артикул 2275d.
Леонид Словин В восьми томах Том 7 Цапля ловит рыбу артикул 2275d.

В 60-ые любое преступление было происшествием чрезвычайным Все, что написал русский писатель и сценарист Леонид Семенович Словин (род 2 ноября 1930, Черкассы, УССР), было и есть ожкнк на самом деле Почти… В том вошли произведения: "На оперативном обслуживании", "Подставное лицо", "Свидетельство Лабрюйера" и "Цапля ловит рыбу" Автор Леонид Словин.  Серия: Леонид Словин Собрание сочинений в восьми томах.

Advances in Digital Forensics 3 артикул 2277d.
Advances in Digital Forensics 3 артикул 2277d.

Редакторы: Philip Craiger Sujeet Shenoi Digital forensics deals with the acquisition, preservation, examination, analysis and presentation of electronic evidence Networked computing, wireless communications and portable electronic devices have expanded the role of digital forensics beyond traditional computer crime investigations ожкнф Practically every crime now involves some aspect of digital evidence; digital forensics provides the techniques and tools to articulate this evidence Digital forensics also has myriad intelligence applications Furthermore, it has a vital role in information assurance - investigations of security breaches yield valuable information that can be used to design more secure systems Advances in Digital Forensics III describes original research results and innovative applications in the emerging discipline of digital forensics In addition, it highlights some of the major technical and legal issues related to digital evidence and electronic crime investigations The areas of coverage include: - Legal Issues - Insider Threat Detection - Rootkit Detection - Authorship Attribution - Forensic Techniques - File System Forensics - Network Forensics - Portable Electronic Device Forensics - Evidence Analysis and Management - Formal Methods This book is the third volume in the annual series produced by the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) Working Group 11 9 on Digital Forensics, an international community of scientists, engineers and practitioners dedicated to advancing the state of the art of research and practice in digital forensics The book contains a selection of twenty-four edited papers from the Third Annual IFIP WG 11 9 Conference on Digital Forensics, held at the National Center for Forensic Science, Orlando, Florida, USA in the spring of 2007 Advances in Digital Forensics III is an important resource for researchers, faculty members and graduate students, as well as for practitioners and individuals engaged in research and development efforts for the law enforcement and intelligence communities.  Серия: International Federation for Information Processing.

Digital Image Processing артикул 2279d.
Digital Image Processing артикул 2279d.

The leader in the field for more than twenty years, this introduction to basic concepts and methodologies for digital image processing continues its cutting-edge focus on contemporary developments in all mainstream areas of image processing Completely self-contained, heavily illustrated, and mathematically accessible, it has a scope of ожкнц application that is not limited to the solution of specialized problems Digital Image Fundamentals Image Enhancement in the Spatial Domain Image Enhancement in the Frequency Domain Image Restoration Color Image Processing Wavelets and Multiresolution Processing Image Compression Morphological Image Processing Image Segmentation Representation and Description Object Recognition For technicians interested in the fundamentals and contemporary applications of digital imaging processing Издание на английском языке 3-rd edition Авторы Rafael C Gonzalez Ричард Вудс Richard E Woods.  Издательство: Prentice Hall, 2007 г Твердый переплет, 976 стр ISBN 013168728X.

Иван Лазутин Избранные произведения В двух томах Том 1 артикул 2281d.
Иван Лазутин Избранные произведения В двух томах Том 1 артикул 2281d.

В первый том избранного вошли три произведения В повести "Сержант милиции" описываются героические будни милиции, охраняющей труд и покой граждан Повесть "Тысяча первый ожкнь поединок" посвящена самоотверженному труду воинов-саперов, для которых война не кончается и в мирные дни В книгу также вошел рассказ "Лейтенант Борягин" Книга рассчитана на массового читателя Автор Иван Лазутин.  Авторский сборник Букинистическое издание Сохранность: Хорошая Издательство: Воениздат, 1984 г Твердый переплет, 576 стр Тираж: 100000 экз Формат: 84x108/32 (~130х205 мм).

Особое назначение артикул 2283d.
Особое назначение артикул 2283d.

В сборник вошли повести "Объявлен в розыске", "Старший оперуполномоченный", "Кто вы, Джордж Коллинз?" и другие произведения, рассказывающие о деятельности ожкоа органов ЧК, милиции и прокуратуры в различные годы Советской власти Автор Юзеф Принцев.  Антология Букинистическое издание Сохранность: Хорошая Издательство: ЛЕНИЗДАТ, 1990 г Твердый переплет, 544 стр ISBN 5-289-00635-4 Тираж: 200000 экз Формат: 84x108/32 (~130х205 мм).

Рассказы о милиционерах артикул 2285d.
Рассказы о милиционерах артикул 2285d.

Очерки о работниках ведущих служб МВД по обеспечению общественного правопорядка Среди героев книги - начальник ГАИ Белгородской области Д Лютый, заместитель начальники ожкол OБXCC Абхазии В Салия, начальник поселкового отделения милиции в станице Тамань Краснодарского края В Журавлев, старший оперуполномоченный уголовного розыска Темрюкского РОВД Краснодарского края В Твердой, участковый инспектор московской милиции А Ермаков и другие Содержание Лютый Коловращения Гостюнина Улыбка Юркевича Хитроумный Арарат Стратегия Джэанелидзе Взыскательный Салия Гены Журавлева Твердый или Твердой? Беспокойный Ермаков Автор Виктор Воронин.  Авторский сборник Букинистическое издание Сохранность: Хорошая Издательство: Советская Россия, 1987 г Мягкая обложка, 192 стр Тираж: 50000 экз Формат: 84x108/32 (~130х205 мм).

India in the Global Software Industry : Innovation, Firm Strategies and Development артикул 2287d.
India in the Global Software Industry : Innovation, Firm Strategies and Development артикул 2287d.

Book Description In this timely and unique study, the innovations in India's information (IT) industry are examined in detail Globally the IT Industry has experienced phenomenal growth The book examines the issues surrounding the analysis of the Indian IT sector on a global, national, regional, firm, and product level and the significance of ожкот national policies to sustain the competitiveness of the Indian IT sector.  2004 г ISBN 1403912521.

Software Systems Reliability and Security - Volume 9: NATO Security through Science Series: Information and Communication Security (Nato Security Through D: Information and Communication Security) артикул 2289d.
Software Systems Reliability and Security - Volume 9: NATO Security through Science Series: Information and Communication Security (Nato Security Through D: Information and Communication Security) артикул 2289d.

The foundations of software technology provide models that enable us to capture application domains and their requirements, but also to understand the structure and working of software systems, software architectures and programs New developments must pay due diligence to the importance of security-related aspects, and align current methods ожкош and techniques to information security, integrity, and system reliability However, based on the specific needs in applications of software technology, models and formal methods must serve the needs and the quality of advanced software engineering methods, especially taking into account security aspects in Information Technology As a consequence of the wide distribution of software and software infrastructure, information security depends on the quality and excellent understanding of its functioning Only when this functionality is guaranteed as safe, customers and information are protected against adversarial attacks Thus, to make communication and computation secure against catastrophic failure and malicious interference, it is essential to build secure software systems and methods for their development Such development is difficult, mainly because of the conflict between development costs and verifiable correctness The articles in this book describe the state-of-the-art ideas on how to meet these challenges in software engineering.  Издательство: Ios Pr Inc, 2007 г Твердый переплет, 434 стр ISBN 1586037315 Язык: Английский.

Следствие ведут Знатоки Выпуск 2 артикул 2291d.
Следствие ведут Знатоки Выпуск 2 артикул 2291d.

Следователь Знаменский, инспектор угрозыска Томин и экспорт Кибрит - герои телевизионного цикла "Следствие ведут Знатоки" Этот цикл завоевал популярность у зрителей ожкоъ не только благодаря раскрытию самых запутанных детективных историй, но и благодаря достоверности характеров и ситуаций, остротой социально-психологических конфликтов, соединением увлекательности с серьезной проблематикой Первый сборник, выпущенный издательством в 1974 году, включал шесть дел цикла В этом выпуске Знатоки продолжают расследование новых дел: "Несчастный случай", "Побег", "Свидетель", "Ответный удар" Авторы Александр Лавров Александр Сергеевич Лавров родился в 1929 году В 1955 году окончил Московский юридический институт Несколько лет проработал в следственных органах МВД Первым совместным проектом Александра и Ольги Лавровых стал документальный фильм "Петровка, 38", Ольга Лаврова Ольга Александровна Лаврова в 1956 году окончила полиграфический институт (редакторский факультет) Посвятила себя журналистике, занималась детективной литературой Первым совместным проектом Ольги и Александра Лавровых стал документальный фильм.  Авторский сборник Букинистическое издание Сохранность: Хорошая Издательство: Искусство, 1977 г Мягкая обложка, 304 стр Тираж: 50000 экз Формат: 84x108/32 (~130х205 мм).

A Complete Guide to Technical Trading Tactics : How to Profit Using Pivot Points, Candlesticks & Other Indicators (Wiley Trading) артикул 2293d.
A Complete Guide to Technical Trading Tactics : How to Profit Using Pivot Points, Candlesticks & Other Indicators (Wiley Trading) артикул 2293d.

Praise for A complete guide to Technical Trading Tactics "John Person does an excellent job of explaining how to apply technical analysis to the futures markets Since futures trading is short-term in nature, it demands precision timing tools A lot of those tools can be found in this new book " John Murphy author of Technical Analysis ожкпв of the Financial Markets and Intermarket Analysis "Easy to read and easy to follow, A Complete Guide to Technical Trading Tactics is a book traders will love " Larry Williams Legendary trader and author of Day Trade Futures Online and Long-Term Secrets to Short-Term Trading "A Complete Guide to Technical Trading Tactics is replete with useful trading tips in a logical format, presented by a seasoned trader with a flair for telling it like it is sure to enrich your pocketbook " Larry Pesavento 40-year veteran trader and former member of the CME "There is a Japanese proverb: He whose ranks are united in purpose will be victorious This book skillfully reveals how to join the most important aspects of technical analysis including my favorite (of course) candlesticks Covers the spectrum from market mechanics to chart analysis, pivot points (Johns specialty), order placement, and much more Use this book! It will help you along the road to victory in your trading battles " Steve Nison, CMT President, Candlecharts com and author of Japanese Candlestick Charting Techniques and The Candlestick Course "Brilliantly provides succinct descriptions and applications of technical trading techniques, gives a solid overview of the derivatives market, shows how to identify and work with a broker, and presents issues that a trader must face to be successful A must-read for traders at all experience levels " Daniel M Gramza President, Gramza Capital Management, Inc "John Person provides readers the most valuable commodity they can buy on any exchange: the benefit of his vast knowledge and experience related to trading His analysis and discussion of pivot points is an especially valuable contribution to trading literature " Edward D Dobson President, Traders Press, Inc.  ISBN 047158455X.

Introducing Microsoft Silverligh 1 0 артикул 2295d.
Introducing Microsoft Silverligh 1 0 артикул 2295d.

Get a first look at Microsoft Silverlight with this practical introduction This ideal reference delivers pragmatic advice, from in an insider s perspective, of how the tool was developed from concept to release An expert on Silverlight and a Technical Evangelist on the Silverlight team delivers a first look at the new cross-platform, cross-browser ожкпе plug-in and details the relationships among Silverlight and Microsoft NET Framework 3 0 and 3 5 technologies Rich Internet Applications (RIAs) are Web applications that have the features and functionality of full desktop applications Processing tasks are performed on the client, but data is stored on the server, allowing a much richer experience With Silverlight, RIAs install quickly via a small, on-demand plug-in This book shows how the first release of Silverlight will help simplify development and deployment of RIAs Includes a companion Web site with code samples in Visual C# and Visual Basic Автор Лоренс Морони Laurence Moroney.  Серия: Pro - Developer.

Programming Microsoft Composite UI Application Block and Smart Client Software Factory артикул 2297d.
Programming Microsoft Composite UI Application Block and Smart Client Software Factory артикул 2297d.

Get hands-on guidance for developing smart client applications using Windows Forms with the Composite UI Application Block (CAB) and the Smart Client Software Factory Smart clients bridge the gap between thin clients and rich clients - providing the benefits of Web applications without sacrificing user experience However, developing smart ожкпк clients often requires the skill of an experienced programmer using Microsoft Visual Studio, Microsoft ASP NET, and the Microsoft NET Framework This book details a simpler, approachable method With just your fundamental Microsoft Visual Basic or Microsoft Visual C# skills, this guide will help you understand the prefabricated classes of CAB and the proven patterns that the Smart Client Software Factory provides This book offers classroom-tested guidance, hands-on instruction, and a proven building-block approach Through seven modular lessons, developers of moderate experience with learn how to create functional, robust smart client applications Автор Дэвид С Платт David S Platt.  Серия: Pro - Developer.

The Dynamic Option Selection System : Analyzing Markets and Managing Risk (Wiley Trading) артикул 2299d.
The Dynamic Option Selection System : Analyzing Markets and Managing Risk (Wiley Trading) артикул 2299d.

An indispensable resource for experienced and novice options traders and hedgers alike Dynamic Option Selection System "Howard Simons offers an in-depth look at options and risk management for the serious market participant He uses his extensive experience as a trader and trading systems designer to provide ten basic principles that ожкпо are at the foundation of every successful trading methodology " Leo Melamed, Chairman Emeritus and Senior Policy Advisor, Chicago Mercantile Exchange; Chairman and CEO, Sakura Dellsher, Inc "Howard Simonss engaging, colloquial manner makes The Dynamic Option Selection System: Analyzing Markets and Managing Risk an enjoyable read for even the most accomplished professional hedger His ample use of real-life stories, like parables, illustrate the nuances of trading and the complex and opposing interests of buyers and sellers in the marketplace " Jack Wing, Executive Director and Professor, Center for Law and Financial Markets, Illinois Institute of Technology "It is the risk of potential reward that motivates many traders in todays markets Employing Howards ten simple principles allows us to put ourselves in the position where the accidents will work in our favor so that we can remain In the Game " Bennett J Corn, President and CEO, Winnipeg Commodity Exchange; Former President, Coffee, Sugar & Cocoa Exchange, Inc.  ISBN 047132051X.

Going off the Rails : Global Capital and the Crisis of Legitimacy артикул 2301d.
Going off the Rails : Global Capital and the Crisis of Legitimacy артикул 2301d.

In this thought-provoking work, writer and journalist John Plender explores the model of capitalism advocated by English-speaking countries and asks the following pertinent questions: Why are developing countries financing the world's richest economy, instead of the other way round? How have the markets come to appear so unstable? What is ожкпф causing the erosion of the wealth creation process? and Is the conventional view of this model actually correct? The capitalist model was developed in the 19th century and recent events have shown the difficulties of adapting this to the demands of the 21st century, in which human and social capital are of far greater importance than physical capital In Going off the Rails, John Plender shows how corporate scandals, inflated boardroom pay, corporate governance disciplines and outmoded accountancy conventions have stretched the Anglo-American model to its limit and what the effects of this might be on globalisation and the capital markets.  ISBN 047085314X.

LEAPS: Long-Term Equity Anticipation Securites: What They Are and How to Use Them for Profit and Protection артикул 2303d.
LEAPS: Long-Term Equity Anticipation Securites: What They Are and How to Use Them for Profit and Protection артикул 2303d.

LEAPS: What They Are and How to Use Them for Profit and Protection is the first-ever guide to understanding and using the most successful new product in the listed options market Straightforward and easy to read, LEAPS clearly explains the concepts behind the creation of long term equity anticipation securities as well as basic strategies, from ожкрг bullish to bearish to neutral This unique guide also provides: A thorough historical perspective on LEAPS, emphasizing whythey are different from conventional options, so investors can determine how LEAPS fit into their personal goals Incisive analysis of investment strategies built around LEAPS, with shrewd advice on how to contain and even drastically reduce risk Hundreds of practical examples that show readers how to implement basic LEAPS strategies.  ISBN 1556238193.

Webster's Pocket Legal Dictionary артикул 2305d.
Webster's Pocket Legal Dictionary артикул 2305d.

The law touches almost every aspect of life, and the language of law is accordingly as broad and complex as human experience itself Defining, refining, debating, interpreting, and applying the words of constitutions, statutes, contracts, wills, judicial opinions, and other legal writings is a major preoccupation of the law It is, in fact, a fundamental ожкрн preoccupation, for to question the meaning of a term in a legal context is often to question the scope of the law itself To define the word "murder," for example, is to articulate just what distinguishes one of the most heinous of crimes from a lesser offense such as manslaughter, or for that matter from a heroic act of justifiable homicide Even a seemingly insignificant word can make a crucial difference in the interpretation of a legal writing One standard legal reference work-a ninety-volume compendium entitled Words and Phrases-cites almost fifty judicial opinions discussing the meaning of just the first word listed: "a " Формат: 8 см x 13,5 см 3 edition Автор James E Clapp.  Издательство: Random House, 2007 г Мягкая обложка, 320 стр ISBN 978-0-375-72223-3 Язык: Английский.

Enemy of God артикул 2307d.
Enemy of God артикул 2307d.

Embattled, honorable executive Arthur faces revolt by Lancelot and betrayal by Guinevere King Mordred comes of age, but should he be king? Arthur is faced with more than one dilemma as quests and plots, treachery, lies, and mysteries proliferate Adultery and violent revenge strain Arthur's alliances, horrifying even war-hardened narrator ожкрр Derfel Cadarn and endangering his beloved family Little faults plague this book and its prequel Bernard Cornwell insults Welsh princes with the Saxon title "Edling," and someone should tell him what gold weighs - he has a gigantic gold cauldron carried on one man's back and generally throws gold bars around like wood chips However, his rearrangements of the well-known tale are ingenious and plausible, and these books are very entertaining Автор Бернард Корнуэлл Bernard Cornwell.  Издательство: Penguin Books Ltd , 1997 г Мягкая обложка, 496 стр ISBN 978-0-140-23247-9, 0-140-23247-8 Язык: Английский Формат: 110x180.

The Geography of Money артикул 2309d.
The Geography of Money артикул 2309d.

The traditional assumption holds that the territory of money coincides precisely with the political frontiers of each nation state: France has the franc, the United Kingdom has the pound, the United States has the dollar But the disparity between that simple mental landscape and the actual organization of currency spaces has grown in recent years, ожкрщ as territorial boundaries of individual states limit currency circulation less and less Many currencies are used outside their "home" country for transactions either between nations or within foreign states In this book, Benjamin J Cohen asks what this new geography of money reveals about financial and political power Cohen shows how recent changes in the geography of money challenge state sovereignty He examines the role of money and the scope of cross-border currency competition in today's world Drawing on new work in geography and network theory to explain the new spatial organization of monetary relations, Cohen suggests that international relations, political as well as economic, are being dramatically reshaped by the increasing interpenetration of national monetary spaces This process, he explains, generates tensions and insecurities as well as opportunities for cooperation.  Мягкая обложка ISBN 0801485134.

The Successful Investor Today: 14 Simple Truths You Must Know When You Invest артикул 2311d.
The Successful Investor Today: 14 Simple Truths You Must Know When You Invest артикул 2311d.

What does it take to achieve superior performance and become a successful investor? Rather than great stock pricing or market timing skills, it is far better for you to understand how the markets work and how to make them work best for you Larry E Swedroe argues that the right strategy never changes, no matter whether the bull is stampeding or the bear ожксб has emerged from hibernation The Successful Investor Today was written during one of the greatest bear markets of the post-World WarII era--a bear market that was a result of the inevitable bursting of the technology-led bubble of the late 1990s (what Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan called "irrational exuberance") Although millions of investors unnecessarily incurred trillions of dollars in losses, neither this bubble, nor the ensuing devastating losses, were anything new Despite all the horrible investment experiences that have been reported, those investors who followed the fourteen simple truths outlined in this book--including the building of globally diversified portfolios-did not suffer the devastating losses experienced by many others The fourteen simple truths withstand the tests of logic and time in the way the stock market really works, rather than the wayWall Street and the media would have you believe it works Since it is generally held that those who fail to plan, plan to fail, an investor must begin with an investment plan Your plan should be tailored to conform to your unique ability, willingness, and need to take risk In The Successful Investor Today, you will learn how to build, write, implement, and manage your investment plan over time This book will help you become a better and more informed investor, and it will help you achieve your financial goals by gradually increasing your wealth Apart from offering an up-to-date winning strategy, The Successful Investor Today presents an efficient and proven way to avoid the most common--and costly--mistakes investors continue tomake.  ISBN 0312309791.

Selling Social Change (Without Selling Out): Earned Income Strategies for Nonprofits артикул 2313d.
Selling Social Change (Without Selling Out): Earned Income Strategies for Nonprofits артикул 2313d.

In Selling Social Change (Without Selling Out) expert fundraising trainer and consultant Andy Robinson shows nonprofit professionals how to initiate and sustain successful earned income ventures that provide financial security and advance an organization's mission Step by step, this invaluable resource shows how to organize a team, select ожксй a venture, draft a business plan, find start-up funding, and successfully market goods and services Robinson includes critical information on the tax implications of earned income and the pros and cons of corporate partnerships The book also addresses when to consider outsourcing, collaborating with competitors, and raising additional funds to expand the business.  Мягкая обложка ISBN 0787962163.

The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy артикул 2315d.
The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy артикул 2315d.

Does America's pro-Israel lobby wield inappropriate control over US foreign policy? This book has created a storm of controversy by bringing out into the open America's relationship with the Israel lobby: a loose coalition of individuals and organizations that actively work to shape foreign policy in a way that is profoundly damaging both to ожксп the United States and Israel itself Israel is an important, valued American ally, yet Mearsheimer and Walt show that, by encouraging unconditional US financial and diplomatic support for Israel and promoting the use of its power to remake the Middle East, the lobby has jeopardized America's and Israel's long-term security and put other countries - including Britain - at risk "The Israel Lobby" shows why this has happened, and what can be done to encourage a lasting peace Формат: 13 см x 19,5 см Авторы John J Mearsheimer Stephen M Walt.  Издательство: Penguin Books Ltd , 2008 г Мягкая обложка, 496 стр ISBN 978-0-141-03123-1 Язык: Английский.

Dean LeBaron's Treasury of Investment Wisdom: 30 Great Investing Minds артикул 2317d.
Dean LeBaron's Treasury of Investment Wisdom: 30 Great Investing Minds артикул 2317d.

Dean LeBarons Treasury of Investment Wisdom Today, investors are faced with an information overload when it comes to investment opportunities Its hard to find straight answers on which investment vehicles are the best, which ones will last, and what opportunities truly suit your needs Dean LeBarons Treasury of Investment Wisdom easily ожксу answers all these questions for you This comprehensive guide to the worlds greatest investment ideas and thinkers gives you everything you need to understand todays complex and exciting investment landscape "There have been other books on investment gurus, but none as complete nor as entertaining as this one Dean LeBaron has produced an enlightening, thorough, and thought-provoking compendium of the thinking of many of the nations investment professionals It covers all the major investment styles and vehicles, from active portfolio management to venture capital, and offers theoretical insights into everything from behavioral finance to market efficiency, providing point and counterpoint Its a must read " Michael J Clowes, editorial director, Pensions & Investments and Investment News and author of The Money Flood: How Pension Funds Revolutionized Investing Filled with commentaries and opinions on a wide range of must-know investment issues, Dean LeBarons Treasury of Investment Wisdom is your guide to a profitable investing future Take your investment knowledge to the next level with one-of-a-kind insights that have made the best investors in the world what they are today.  ISBN 0471152943.

Dean LeBaron's Book of Investment Quotations артикул 2319d.
Dean LeBaron's Book of Investment Quotations артикул 2319d.

Praise for Dean LeBarons Book of Investment Quotations "Looking for a pungent quote to help round out a speech or paper? Youll find it here Looking for a pleasant, enlightening reading experience? Youll find that here too Enjoy Dean LeBarons fine compendium at your leisure " John C Bogle, Founder, The Vanguard Group "A delightful ожксх compilation of humorous and thought-provoking quotations on all aspects of investment management from one of the legends of the investment business " Burton G Malkiel, author of A Random Walk Down Wall Street "Humorous and humbling This must be the greatest collection of words that I wish I had said, expressing insights that I wish that I had had To open the book to any page is to assure yourself of joy " Bob Monks, Chairman of Lens Investment Management LLC and Publisher, www ragm com "A delightful and remarkably insightful collection of aphorisms, adages, and epigrams lovingly hand-collected over the years by the deanof modern investment management " Andrew W Lo, Harris & Harris Group Professor of Finance, MIT Sloan School of Management "From Warren Buffett to Jack Welch, Dean LeBaron has assembled a vast collection of insightful and wry quotes about investing in particular and life in general Its great fun to browse, and an invaluable resource for speeches and articles " Martin Barnes, Managing Editor, The Bank Credit Analyst "A veritable march through a battery of apt quotations They havebeen judiciously drawn from a wide variety of sources, old and new, combining humor with wisdom I dont know what quote addicts did before Dean LeBaron began collecting This treasure chest, with its very personal touch, supersedes all earlier efforts atcollecting investment quotations With its broad coverage and thoughtful section summaries, I find it an extremely helpful and enjoyable desk companion " William Wirth, Credit Suisse Group.  ISBN 0471153508.

Wahrig: Zeichensetzung klipp & klar артикул 2321d.
Wahrig: Zeichensetzung klipp & klar артикул 2321d.

Zeichensetzung klipp & klar Klar strukturiert: Die Grand- und Spezialregeln der Zeichensetzung sind ubersichtlich und leicht verstandlich dargestellt ZeitgemafS: Zahlreiche aktuelle Anwendungs-beispiele aus den verschiedensten Textbereichen verdeutlichen den Gebrauch der Satzzeichen Anschaulich: Detaillierte Tabellen mit ожксэ konkreten Satzbeispielen ermoglichen dem Leser die Uber-sicht tiber die deutsche Zeichensetzung auf einen Blick, besonders kniffelige Zweifelsfalle sind in farbig markierten Informationskasten speziell hervorgehoben Praxisbezogen: Das kompetente Nachschlage-werk bietet zahlreiche grammatische Proben zur Selbstkontrolle Автор Renate Baudusch.  Издательство: Bertelsmann Lexikon Institut, 2004 г Мягкая обложка, 222 стр ISBN 3-577-10094-X Формат: 125x190.

Vingt Ans apres III артикул 2323d.
Vingt Ans apres III артикул 2323d.

"Place, mordioux! cria d'Artagnan, place! A cette voix, l'homme au pistolet et a al large epee leva la lete: mais il etaut deja trop tard: le cuop de d'Artagnan etait porte, la rapiere lui avait traverse la poitrine" Alexandre Dumas Формат: 11 см x 17,5 см Автор Александр Дюма Alexander Dumas Родился ожкту в Вилье-Коттере, неподалеку от Парижа В метрике его полное имя было записано как "Александр Дюма Дави де Пайетери" По отцу происходил из дворянского рода - дедом писателя был маркиз Антуан Дави де Пайетери, женившийся на чернокожей рабыне с.  Серия: Classiques.

Именем закона Современный советский детектив 1990 артикул 2270d.
Именем закона Современный советский детектив 1990 артикул 2270d.

В сборнике "Современный советский детектив" 1990, опубликованы повести современных советских авторов, рассказывающие о борьбе правоохранительных органов с уголовной ожкму преступностью, частном расследовании преступления и о той, далеко не простой ситуации, которая сложилась сегодня в системе правосудия и милиции Авторы (показать всех авторов) Игорь Гамаюнов Валерий Чиков Николай Оганесов.  Серия: Современный советский детектив.

Spider-Man: Friend or Foe (Xbox 360) артикул 2272d.
Spider-Man: Friend or Foe (Xbox 360) артикул 2272d.

Человек-паук - в миру Питер Паркер - знаком каждому Отважный защитник Нью-Йорка готов в любой момент придти на помощь всем, кому она необходима Но и самим героям иногда нужна поддержка ожкмэ Созданная на основе кинотрилогии и комиксов игра Spider-Man: Friend or Foe предоставляет уникальную возможность как сразиться против армии злодеев - Доктора Октопуса, Зеленого Гоблина, Венома и Песчаного человека, так и присоединиться к ней! Участвуйте в схватках от лица Человека-паука или других персонажей, в том числе и отрицательных Каждый из них обладает уникальными возможностями и стилем боя Буквально на ходу переключаясь между Паркером и его союзниками, можно проводить уникальные комбинации изощренных приемов Впервые за всю историю серии в ней появился режим совместной игры: скооперируйтесь с приятелем, чтобы вместе задать жару врагам закона и справедливости! Особенности игры: Сильные союзники Вы можете выбрать напарника из длинного списка выдающихся героев, а затем свободно переключаться между ним и Паркером Каждый помощник, будь то супергерой или суперзлодей, вносит неповторимый вклад в общее дело Лишь совместив умения персонажей, вы доберетесь до победного финала Враги на стороне добра После того, как Человек-паук одолеет давних противников - Доктора Октопуса, Зеленого Гоблина и Песчаного человека, они присоединятся к нему Совместные подвиги В любой момент к вам может присоединиться друг и взять контроль над союзником Человека-паука Плечо живого товарища надежнее виртуального помощника, и лишь пара игроков способна раскрыть глубокий тактический потенциал проекта Сражайтесь на разных аренах! Одолевая соперников одного за другим, вы открываете новые площадки для подвигов Есть повод вернуться! Повторите понравившиеся уровни в совместной игре, сразитесь друг против друга, пройдите кампанию с новыми союзниками или в обличье Человека-паука в черном костюме Мрачная экипировка обеспечивает новые приемы и способности Возраст: 7+ Язык интерфейса: английский Системные требования: Платформа Xbox 360.  Игра для Xbox 360 DVD-ROM, 2007 г Издатель: Activision; Разработчик: Next Level Games; Дистрибьютор: Софт Клаб пластиковый DVD-BOX Что делать, если программа не запускается?.

Динамичный экшен по мотивам кинотрилогии и комиксов.
Automation, Production Systems, and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing артикул 2274d.
Automation, Production Systems, and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing артикул 2274d.

This book provides the most advanced, comprehensive, and balanced coverage on the market of the technical and engineering aspects of automated production systems It covers all the major cutting-edge technologies of production automation and material handling, and how these technologies are used to construct modern manufacturing systems ожкнз Manufacturing Operations; Industrial Control Systems; Sensors, Actuators, and Other Control System Components; Numerical Control; Industrial Robotics; Discrete Control Using Programmable Logic Controllers and Personal Computers; Material Transport Systems; Storage Systems; Automatic Data Capture; Single Station Manufacturing Cells; Group Technology and Cellular Manufacturing; Flexible Manufacturing Systems; Manual Assembly Lines; Transfer Lines and Similar Automated Manufacturing Systems; Automated Assembly Systems; Statistical Process Control; Inspection Principles and Practices; Inspection Technologies; Product Design and CAD/CAM in the Production System; Process Planning and Concurrent Engineering; Production Planning and Control Systems; and Lean Production and Agile Manufacturing For anyone interested in Automation, Production Systems, and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 3-rd edition Автор Mikell P Groover.  Издательство: Prentice Hall, 2007 г Твердый переплет, 840 стр ISBN 0132393212 Язык: Английский.

Managing Budgets and Finances: A How-to-Do-It Manual for Librarians and Information Professionals (How to Do It Manuals for Librarians, No 138) (How to Do It Manuals for Librarians) артикул 2276d.
Managing Budgets and Finances: A How-to-Do-It Manual for Librarians and Information Professionals (How to Do It Manuals for Librarians, No 138) (How to Do It Manuals for Librarians) артикул 2276d.

Book DescriptionTodays tight financial times make budgeting and sound money management more important than ever The first six chapters of this essential how-to use a step-by-step approach to thoroughly explain and illustrate the nuts and bolts, including types of budgets and how to create and revise them; ways of tracking spending and fund ожкнн allocation; and timelines for financial planning, such as capital spending Later chapters cover special spending challenges, such as new buildings, maintenance, proposals and bids, outsourcing, and more Careful attention is given to how libraries make and save money--now more important than ever--with coverage of library income, protecting property, alternative library funding, fundraising, grants, and bonds and referenda The authors describe selected software libraries can use to set and track budgets and point readers to helpful Web sites for further information Appendices include a sample accounting manual, annual report form, request for proposal, lease agreement, and security guidelines This impressive, new manual contains proven strategies, detailed examples, worksheets, handouts, forms, and tips that will help any librarian become a better financial manager.  2005 г ISBN 1555705197.

Practice Made Perfect: The Discipline of Business Management for Financial Advisors артикул 2278d.
Practice Made Perfect: The Discipline of Business Management for Financial Advisors артикул 2278d.

Book DescriptionMany financial advisers run their business as if acquiring more clients will solve most of their problems It won't For advisory practices without a strategic plan, having more clients leads to more demands and less time to meet them Translating revenues into profits, cash flow, and transferable value can't happen without active ожкнх financial management and a solid understanding of what truly makes a business thrive Practice Made Perfect can help you make it happen-by putting you in expert hands With the knowledge and understanding gained from years of experience in helping businesses achieve success, industry consultants Mark Tibergien and Rebecca Pomering of Moss Adams LLP offer an eye-opening, no-nonsense handbook on the management skills critical to running an advisory business Find out what these top industry consultants tell advisory firms about defining a business strategy mastering the essentials of financial management making the most of humancapital sustaining effective operations No matter how little time you have or how serious the challenges your firm faces, this book can help Whether you operate as a solo practitioner or own an ensemble firm, whether your business is commission based or fee only, whether you're a total wealth manager or a money manager, this book is relevant to your practice The principles of sound management apply to firms of all stripes, and the tools provided here can work under any circumstances.  2005 г ISBN 1576601722.

The Theory of Money and Financial Institutions (Theory of Money and Financial Institutions (Hardcover)) артикул 2280d.
The Theory of Money and Financial Institutions (Theory of Money and Financial Institutions (Hardcover)) артикул 2280d.

This is the first volume in a three-volume exposition of Martin Shubik's vision of "mathematical institutional economics"--a term he coined in 1959 to describe the theoretical underpinnings needed for the construction of an economic dynamics The goal isto develop a process-oriented theory of money and financial institutions that ожкнч reconciles micro- and macroeconomics, using as a prime tool the theory of games in strategic and extensive form The approach involves a search for minimal financial institutions that appear as a logical, technological, and institutional necessity, as part of the "rules of the game " Money and financial institutions are assumed to be the basic elements of the network that transmits the sociopolitical imperatives to the economy Volume 1 deals with a one-period approach to economic exchange with money, debt, and bankruptcy Volume 2 explores the new economic features that arise when we consider multi-period finite and infinite horizon economies Volume 3 will consider the specific role of financial institutions and government, and formulate the economic financial control problem linking micro- and macroeconomics.  ISBN 0262194279.

Emerging Financial Markets артикул 2282d.
Emerging Financial Markets артикул 2282d.

This is the first text to be written on Emerging Financial Markets The book is partially the result of a grant given by Citibank to Columbia Business School for the purpose of designing a new course in emerging financial markets for their MBA program The text reflects the tremendous research in recent years seeking to explain the financial crises ожкню in Latin America and Asia during the mid to late 1990's and related issues such as capital flows, currency regimes, legal and regulatory matters, corporate governance, and the functions and structure of financial systems Emerging Financial Markets suggests and explores three key foundations that explain why emerging markets behave differently than developed markets: (1) law, (2) institutions of informationand control, and (3) inflation and currency stability.  ISBN 0072425148.

Handbook of Real-Time and Embedded Systems артикул 2284d.
Handbook of Real-Time and Embedded Systems артикул 2284d.

Редакторы: Insup Lee Joseph Y-T Leung Sang H Son Real-time and embedded systems are essential to our lives, from controlling car engines and regulating traffic lights to monitoring plane takeoffs and landings to providing up-to-the-minute stock quotes Bringing together researchers from both academia and industry, the "Handbook of ожкое Real-Time and Embedded Systems" provides comprehensive coverage of the most advanced and timely topics in the field The book focuses on several major areas of real-time and embedded systems It examines real-time scheduling and resource management issues and explores the programming languages, paradigms, operating systems, and middleware for these systems The handbook also presents challenges encountered in wireless sensor networks and offers ways to solve these problems It addresses key matters associated with real-time data services and reviews the formalisms, methods, and tools used in real-time and embedded systems In addition, the book considers how these systems are applied in various fields, including adaptive cruise control in the automobile industry With its essential material and integration of theory and practice, the "Handbook of Real-Time and Embedded Systems" facilitates advancements in this area so that the services we rely on can continue to operate successfully.  Серия: Chapman & Hall/Crc Computer & Information Science.

Evaluation of Text and Speech Systems артикул 2286d.
Evaluation of Text and Speech Systems артикул 2286d.

Редакторы: Laila Dybkjaer Holmer Hemsen Wolfgang Minker In its nine chapters, this book provides an overview of the state-of-the-art and best practice in several sub-fields of evaluation of text and speech systems and components The evaluation aspects covered include speech and speaker recognition, speech synthesis, animated ожкоо talking agents, part-of-speech tagging, parsing, and natural language software like machine translation, information retrieval, question answering, spoken dialogue systems, data resources, and annotation schemes With its broad coverage and original contributions this book is unique in the field of evaluation of speech and language technology This book is of particular relevance to advanced undergraduate students, PhD students, academic and industrial researchers, and practitioners.  Издательство: Springer, 2007 г Твердый переплет, 290 стр ISBN 1402058152 Язык: Английский.

В милицию поступило заявление артикул 2288d.
В милицию поступило заявление артикул 2288d.

Автор этой книги В Носенков — работник Главного управления внутренних дел Леноблгорисполкомов — рассказывает о сложной работе Ленинградского уголовного розыска, о преемственности ожкоч традиций двух поколений сотрудников угрозыска, о том, как они, нередко рискуя жизнью, обезвреживают преступников Автор умело, со знанием дела описывает трудовые будни работников уголовного розыска Мы видим обыкновенных советских людей, для которых сознание долга перед Родиной, ответственность перед советским народом превыше всего Автор Василий Носенков.  Букинистическое издание Сохранность: Хорошая Издательство: ЛЕНИЗДАТ, 1977 г Мягкая обложка, 312 стр Тираж: 100000 экз Формат: 84x108/32 (~130х205 мм).

Numerical Methods in Finance (Publications of the Newton Institute) артикул 2290d.
Numerical Methods in Finance (Publications of the Newton Institute) артикул 2290d.

Numerical methods in finance has recently emerged as a new discipline at the intersection of probability theory, finance and numerical analysis This book describes a wide variety of numerical methods used in financial analysis: computation of option prices, especially American option prices, by finite difference and other methods; numerical ожкощ solution of portfolio management strategies; statistical procedures, identification of models; Monte Carlo methods; and numerical implications of stochastic volatilities Lucid and concise, it covers both mathematical matters and practical issues in numerical problems This book is an ideal resource for economists, probabilists and applied mathematicians working in finance.  ISBN 0521573548.

Fibre Optic Methods for Structural Health Monitoring артикул 2292d.
Fibre Optic Methods for Structural Health Monitoring артикул 2292d.

The use of fibre optic sensors in structural health monitoring has rapidly accelerated in recent years By embedding fibre optic sensors in structures (e g buildings, bridges and pipelines) it is possible to obtain real time data on structural changes such as stress or strain Engineers use monitoring data to detect deviations from a structure's ожкоь original design performance in order to optimise the operation, repair and maintenance of a structure over time "Fibre Optic Methods for Structural Health Monitoring" is organised as a step-by-step guide to implementing a monitoring system and includes examples of common structures and their most-frequently monitored parameters This book: presents a universal method for static structural health monitoring, using a technique with proven effectiveness in hundreds of applications worldwide; discusses a variety of different structures including buildings, bridges, dams, tunnels and pipelines; features case studies which describe common problems and offer solutions to those problems; provides advice on establishing mechanical parameters to monitor (including deformations, rotations and displacements) and on placing sensors to achieve monitoring objectives; identifies methods for interpreting data according to construction material and shows how to apply numerical concepts and formulae to data in order to inform decision making "Fibre Optic Methods for Structural Health Monitoring" is an invaluable reference for practising engineers in the fields of civil, structural and geotechnical engineering It will also be of interest to academics and undergraduate/graduate students studying civil and structural engineering Авторы Branko Glisic Daniele Inaudi.  Издательство: Wiley-Interscience, 2008 г Твердый переплет, 276 стр ISBN 0470061421 Язык: Английский.

Reconfigurable Mobile Radio Systems: A Snapshot of Key Aspects Related to Reconfigurability in Wireless Systems артикул 2294d.
Reconfigurable Mobile Radio Systems: A Snapshot of Key Aspects Related to Reconfigurability in Wireless Systems артикул 2294d.

Редактор: Guillaume Vivier The various aspects of the reconfigurability of mobile radio systems - including services, object modeling as applied to software radio, flexible spectrum management, and analog to digital conversion - are analyzed in this text Full explanations of the trade-off to build a reconfigurable terminal and adaptation ожкпг of multiple-input/multiple-output techniques, as well as an example of a pure-software radio modem, are included.  Издательство: ISTE Publishing Company, 2007 г Твердый переплет, 256 стр ISBN 1905209460 Язык: Английский.

Research in Finance, Volume, Volume 21 (Research in Finance) артикул 2296d.
Research in Finance, Volume, Volume 21 (Research in Finance) артикул 2296d.

Book DescriptionA total of eleven papers in this volume represent recent research on important topics in finance The contributions include analyses of issues relating to asset prices, the behavior of stock returns, and capital-raising activities Hodges, et al employ stochastic dominance arguments to show that the efficiency of time diversification ожкпз depends on the degree of autocorrelation in security returns In their study of the announcement effects of ninety-three minority equity investments, Chan, et al find a neutral stock price response on average for acquiring firms but a significantly positive response for selling firms Nguyen, et al provide evidence on the returns structure of U S information technology stocks surrounding the bursting of the internet bubble in early 2000 In a study of the informational effects of auditor reputation, Godby and Mahar, Jr find that implied volatilities for firms audited by Andersen have increased relative to those for firms audited by other Big Five firms Charaput and Chang find that the usage of installment receipts enhances liquidity in Canadian secondary equity offerings The contributions to this volume also examine important issues in international finance and financial institutions Brailsford, et al use a VECM technique to examine Purchasing Power Parity and causality between the yen and the dollar Sarmas studies the impact of Hong Kong's fixed exchange rate system and Singapore's floating exchange rate system on the correlation betweenthe US and the two respective countries' stock markets Povel develops a theoretical model to explain multiple banking as a commitment device Baer, et al develop a model and empirically examine how the creation of a futures clearinghouse can reduce theneed for margin in bilateral and multilateral settings Roberts and Siddiqi provide an empirical analysis of the link between collateralization and the number of lenders in private debt contracts Finally, Tripp et al empirically examine the relative efficiency of single versus multiple common bond credit unions.  2005 г ISBN 0762311614.

Оборудование для ультразвуковой обработки артикул 2298d.
Оборудование для ультразвуковой обработки артикул 2298d.

В книге приводятся краткие сведения по созданию и распространению ультразвуковых волн в твердых средах Рассматриваются общие вопросы проектирования основных блоков технологического ожкпн оборудования для ультразвуковой обработки: электроакустических колебательных систем, ультразвуковых генераторов, устройств их согласования, а так же систем авторегулирования и стабилизации основных параметров технологического процесса обработки Описываются конструкции и схемы, приводятся технические характеристики нового промышленного оборудования для работы с твердыми средами: ультразвуковых станков для размерной обработки твердых и хрупких материалов, устройств для резания, полирования и упрочнения поверхностей изделий из металлов Кратко рассматриваются вопросы технологии ультразвуковой обработки Книга рассчитана на инженерно-технических работников различных отраслей промышленности, занимающихся разработкой и эксплуатацией ультразвукового технологического оборудования Она так же может быть полезна студентам и аспирантам, изучающим вопросы прикладной акустики и специализирующихся в области ультразвуковых технологий Автор Игорь Петушко.  Серия: Библиотека технолога-ультразвуковника.

Оборудование для ультразвуковой очистки артикул 2300d.
Оборудование для ультразвуковой очистки артикул 2300d.

В книге приводятся краткие сведения по созданию и распространению ультразвуковых волн в жидких средах Рассматриваются общие вопросы проектирования основных блоков технологического ожкпс оборудования для ультразвуковой очистки: электроакустических колебательных систем, ультразвуковых генераторов, устройств их согласования, а так же систем авторегулирования и стабилизации основных параметров технологического процесса очистки Описываются конструкции и схемы, приводятся технические характеристики нового промышленного оборудования, разработанного во ВНИИ ТВЧ им В П Вологдина и других фирмах, для работы с жидкими средами: ультразвуковых ванн, диспергаторов и моечных устройств Кратко рассматриваются вопросы технологии ультразвуковой очистки и контроля ее качества Книга рассчитана на инженерно-технических работников различных отраслей промышленности, занимающихся разработкой и эксплуатацией ультразвукового технологического оборудования Она так же может быть полезна студентам и аспирантам, изучающим вопросы прикладной акустики и специализирующихся в области ультразвуковых технологий Автор Игорь Петушко.  Серия: Библиотека технолога-ультразвуковника.

Travel Industry Economics: A Guide for Financial Analysis артикул 2302d.
Travel Industry Economics: A Guide for Financial Analysis артикул 2302d.

People around the world spend at least one trillion dollars on travel each year Travel and tourism comprise the world's largest industrial sector and employ over 300 million people, nearly one-tenth of the global work force In this path-breaking book Harold L Vogel examines the business economics of each of the segments of the travel industry, ожкпщ comprised of airlines, cruises, railroads, buses, automobiles, hotels, casinos, amusement and theme parks, and tourism The result is a concise, up-to-date reference guide for financial analysts, economists, industry executives, and teachers and students interested in the economics, finance, and marketing of travel-related goods and services in the United States and overseas A glossary, "time-line" diagrams, and technical appendices enhance the book's appeal as a reference tool Its fully integrated assessment of the business of travel makes the work unique in the marketplace Harold L Vogel is author of the highly successful Entertainment Industry Economics: A Guide for Financial Analysis A chartered financial analyst, Mr Vogel was a senior analyst with Merrill Lynch for seventeen years He is an adjunct professor in the Graduate School of Business at Columbia University.  ISBN 0521781639.

Robinson Crusoe (+ CD) артикул 2304d.
Robinson Crusoe (+ CD) артикул 2304d.

Regarded by many as the first English novel, Defoe's famous story celebrates how Robinson Crusoe, shipwrecked on a desert island, manages to survive and prosper through his own resourcefulness Формат издания: 14,5 см х 21 см Прилагаемый к изданию диск (CD) упакован в специальный ожкрж целлофановый конверт и вложен внутрь книги Автор Даниель Дефо Daniel Defoe Английский романист, журналист и памфлетист, автор около четырехсот сочинений, в том числе журнальных статей, трактатов, проектов, биографий, книги путевых заметок Дефо занимался также предпринимательством (правда, его деловые начинания, как правило,.  Издательство: Black Cat, 2008 г Мягкая обложка, 144 стр ISBN 978-88-530-0841-1 Язык: Английский Мелованная бумага, Цветные иллюстрации.

Campaign and Party Finance in North America and Western Europe артикул 2306d.
Campaign and Party Finance in North America and Western Europe артикул 2306d.

Like some others who have written on the subject of campaign and party finance, I believe that information about policies and practices regarding public financing abroad can help Americans develop their own ideas about reform possibilities This book should encourage readers to become more attentive to alternatives to American practices and ожкрп to think about changes that would be both desirable and feasible In reading about “political finance” in other countries, however, it is important to realize that this term takes on different meanings in different countries In North America it really means campaign and candidate finance, while in Europe it is more likely to mean party finance This is a reflection both of the stronger political parties in Europe and the candidate orientation of American politics These differences must not be ignored when one ponders the possibilities of transferring ideas and practices from one country to another.  ISBN 0595001246.

The Guide to Critical Thinking in Economics артикул 2308d.
The Guide to Critical Thinking in Economics артикул 2308d.

Book Description This book is a summary and guide to the art of reasoning in economics and in everyday life, from one of the foremost authors and researchers in the field of critical thinking Critical thinking is evaluating whether we should be convinced that some claim is true or some argument is good, as well as formulating good arguments This book ожкрх is meant to help students learn the basic skills of critical thinking and apply them to the basic study of economics.  2004 г ISBN 0324275005.

Alexander Ragazanov, Leonid Sendersky Light Spirits Of The Earth артикул 2310d.
Alexander Ragazanov, Leonid Sendersky Light Spirits Of The Earth артикул 2310d.

Содержание 1 Светлые духи земли 2 Продавец кукол 3 Катапульта 4 Вспоминая Бангкок 5 Ночные джунгли 6 Ветряные мельницы 7 Миграция рыб 8 Острый Чили 9 Давайте улыбнемся 10 Тунис 11 Прогулка ожкръ на слонах 12 Зимняя птица 13 Тринадцать 14 Отражение Луны 15 Покоритель гор 16 Одинокий город 17 Без снега Исполнители Александр Рагазанов Alexander Ragazanov Леонид Сендерский.  Формат: Audio CD (DigiPack) Дистрибьютор: Бомба-Питер Россия Лицензионные товары Характеристики аудионосителей 2009 г Альбом: Российское издание.

Александр Рагазанов, Леонид Сендерский Светлые духи земли.
Test Your Reading артикул 2312d.
Test Your Reading артикул 2312d.

Художники: Gillian Martin Vince Silcock Peter Standley Sarah Wimperis "Test Your Reading" is part of the popular "Test Your" series devised by Peter Watcyn-Jones It features 60 motivating reading tests based on magazine articles, stories, newspaper stories, formal and informal letters, poems, jokes and much ожксв more Tips and information boxes, clear explanations and a full answer key make this new book in the series even more user-friendly 60 tests to improve your reading skills; Wide variety of tests, including gap-fills, multiple choice, matching exercises, cartoons and much more; Useful tips to guide you through the tests; Full answer key; Ideal for self-study and classroom use Формат: 15 см x 23,5 см Автор Майкл Дин Michael Dean.  Серия: Test Your.

Teach Yourself Art History артикул 2314d.
Teach Yourself Art History артикул 2314d.

Are you interested in art? Would you like to discover new perspectives? Do you want to get more out of visiting galleries and exhibitions? "Art History" is an ideal starting-point for anyone who wants to develop their understanding and appreciation of art Tackling the big questions such as "what is art?" and full of examples ожксл to illustrate different approaches, styles and genres, this book will ensure you gain a solid grounding in this fascinating subject Whether you are preparing for a course in art history or just want to develop your own opinions, this is the book for you New edition Авторы Grant Pooke Graham Whitham.  Серия: Teach Yourself.

Managing Pension Plans: A Comprehensive Guide to Improving Plan Performance артикул 2316d.
Managing Pension Plans: A Comprehensive Guide to Improving Plan Performance артикул 2316d.

Pension funds are big business They are important to employers, employees, governments, and society at large With the increasing concern over dwindling retirement benefits and the effect on public awareness of recent pension fund crises, managing pension plans has never been more critical--and the pressure on those who are responsible for ожкст them has only intensified Destined to become the classic resource on pension plan management, Managing Pension Plans explains everything you need to know for successful management of any pension plan--from how pension plans help sponsors manage their workforces to the latest in investment and risk management With concise and practical guidance on ways for achieving optimal finance performance, Managing Pensions Plans is an indispensable resource for pension fund trustees, boards of directors, managers, and administrators of both public and private pension plans as well as for the money management firms, consultants, actuaries, and accountants who serve the pension fund industry Logue and Rader, two of the world's leading experts on the subject, explain all the financial, legal, economic, accounting, and managerial issues that those who make pension fund decisions must juggle--in language that non-financial managerscan understand, yet with sufficient depth to be useful to financial managers as well The authors synthesize the latest in capital market and financial economics research to help those involved in pension management improve their decision-making in all the critical areas, including: choosing the optimal form of pension plan, formulating and implementing the plan's investment strategy, selecting and monitoring pension plan managers, measuring the plan's performance, and managing financial risk In addition, the book describes in detail the responsibilities of fiduciaries, revealing how to be both a prudent fiduciary and a capable decision maker Additionally, Managing Pension Plans offers candid advice on how pension managers can improve fund performance by being more effective shareholders As pension fund management and performance increasingly affect the success of organizations as a whole, this book will be indispensable to anyone--from fund analysts to board members--who influences pension fund decisions.  ISBN 0875847919.

What the Numbers Say: A Field Guide to Mastering Our Numerical World артикул 2318d.
What the Numbers Say: A Field Guide to Mastering Our Numerical World артикул 2318d.

Our society is churning out more numbers than ever before, whether in the form of spreadsheets, brokerage statements, survey results, or just the numbers on the sports pages Unfortunately, people’s ability to understand and analyze numbers isn’t keeping pace with today’s whizzing data streams And the benefits of living in the Information ожксф Age are available only to those who can process the information in front of them What the Numbers Say offers remedies to this national problem Through a series of witty and engaging discussions, the authors introduce original quantitative concepts, skills, and habits that reduce even the most daunting numerical challenges to simple, bite-sized pieces Why do the nutritional values on a Cheerios box appear different in Canada than in the U S ? How is it that top-performing mutual funds often lose money for the majority of their shareholders? Why was the scoring system for Olympic figure skating doomed even without biased judges? By anchoring their discussions in real-world scenarios, Derrick Niederman and David Boyum show that skilled quantitative thinking involves old-fashioned logic, not advanced mathematical tools Useful in an endless number of situations, What the Numbers Say is the practical guide to navigating today’s data-rich world.  ISBN 0767909984.

Serving Two Masters, Yet Out of Control: Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac артикул 2320d.
Serving Two Masters, Yet Out of Control: Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac артикул 2320d.

Because two disparate, almost diametrically opposite clients demand loyalty from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, these government-sponsored entities must fulfill two ultimately irreconcilable roles As publicly-owned corporations, they must maximize profitability for their shareholders; yet, as quasi-government agencies, they should ожксы use their huge, implicit government subsidies in support of their public missions In reality, they split the difference as they transfer a large portion of their subsidy to their shareholders At the same time, Congress does not routinely scrutinize Fannie and Freddie, despite their enormous size and importance The two are clearly too large and powerful for the small agency charged by Congress as their watchdog Thus, while attempting to serve two masters, Fannie and Freddie are literally out of control Would privatization solve the dilemma of the dual public and private form? If not, what other options exist? In eleven essays, public figures, economists, and government officials probe the favored positions that have allowed the two agencies to grow to unprecedented size, realize extraordinary profitability, and achieve unparalleled influence over the political process.  ISBN 0844741663.

Business Basics for Veterinarians артикул 2322d.
Business Basics for Veterinarians артикул 2322d.

While many veterinarians choose to believe that expertise in medicine necessarily precludes having business sense, nothing could be further from the truth In fact, business and medicine are both evidence-based disciplines with much in common When apatient is sick, we used standard algorithms to determine the most likely causes, and run appropriate ожктж diagnostic tests We do the same thing with a business that is in failing health We might run an inventory audit instead of a radiograph, or look at financial statements rather than laboratory results, but the problem-solving approach is the same Once a medical problem is unearthed, we prescribe appropriate treatment The same holds for businesses A practice may not need an antibiotic injection, but an infusion of capital might be just what the doctor orders for an outdated facility Finally, once the problem is corrected, we periodically monitor the patient with wellness exams, assuring continued health Businesses are no different We continue to take their vital signs, benchmark them against established "normals" and make sure that they continue on a healthful trend What could possibly be a more natural extension of expertise than applying the same care to practice management as patient management?.  ISBN 0595250874.

Суд идет артикул 2324d.
Суд идет артикул 2324d.

Главный герой романа Дмитрий Шадрин после окончания юридического факультета Московского университета работает следователем Принципиальный и честный коммунист, он мужественно ожктщ борется за революционную законность и гуманное отношение к человеку Автор Иван Лазутин.  Букинистическое издание Сохранность: Хорошая Издательство: Советская Россия, 1963 г Твердый переплет, 488 стр Тираж: 300000 экз Формат: 84x108/32 (~130х205 мм).

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